Ezra Whittlesey was born in Newington, Connecticut, February 11, 1738. He married Ann Pixley. He was admitted, by profession of faith, to the church in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and served in the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1780.
Service Record:
Ezra Whittlesey, Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Sergeant, Captain Thomas William’s Company of Minute-men, Colonel John Paterson’s Regiment, which marched April 22, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Stockbridge and West Stockbridge to Cambridge; service, 13 days; also, Captain William’s Company, Colonel Paterson’s Regiment; muster roll dated August 1, 1775; engaged May 5, 1775; service, 3 months 4 days; also, company returned [probably October, 1775]; also, Captain, 12th (also given 2nd Stockbridge) co., Colonel David Rosseter’s (3rd Berkshire Company) Regiment of Massachusetts militia; list of officers; commissioned April 23, 1778. Ezra Whitlesely, Lieutenant, Captain Aaron Rowley’s Company, Major David Rosseter’s detachment of Berkshire Company militia; entered service February 23, 1777; discharged April 7, 1777; service, 43 days, at Ticonderoga.
Ezra and his family are said to have been remarkably industrious and eminently respectable. They lived east of “the pond” and removed to Union (now Lisle) New York in 1794, where Mr. Whittlesey died.