Chapter Officers:
President - Robert Huber
1st Vice President - Brad Selesky
2nd Vice President - Jeff Dixon
Secretary - Larry Kennedy
Treasurer - Bill Maywood
Registrar & Genealogist - Rod Wilson
Chaplain - John M. Raya
Historian - Albert Selesky
Veterans Affairs - James Walker
Public Relations - Hal Lamkin
Youth Programs - Ryan Guzall
Contact The Oaks:
Oaks Chapter:
The Oaks Chapter of the MISSAR was charted in 2006, and we celebrated our eighteenth anniversary at our annual meeting in April 2024. The chapter serves greater Oakland County and portions of western Macomb County. Currently, the Oaks Chapter has 57 members. We hold our Board of Governors meetings and our general membership meetings back-to-back from September through June. Our meetings are always on the second Thursday of the month where we have dinner and typically have a guest speaker at the general membership meetings. All members and guests are welcome to all Oaks Chapter meetings. The Oaks Chapter has a great spirit of camaraderie with many opportunities available to participate in any of our programs; leadership development is always encouraged.
Pictured left to right: Hal Lamkin (Public Relations), Jeff Dixon (2nd Vice President), Larry Kennedy (Secretary), Brad Selesky (1st Vice President), Robert Huber (President), John M. Raya (Chaplain), Rod Wilson (Registrar / Genealogist), Albert Selesky (Historian), Bill Maywood (Treasurer)
Not pictured: James Walker (Veterans Affairs), Ryan Guzall (Youth Programs)
Chapter Meetings:
Oaks Chapter meetings are held at Kerby’s Koney Island in Troy. Any guest interested in attending a meeting is invited to contact us using the form below to confirm the date and time of the next event.