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Cass River Colonial Encampment: July 17-18 2021

The Michigan SAR Color Guard carried the countries flag and the SAR society banners.

First 4 people: R/L SAR Northern Michigan chapter member and Camp Commander Brent Kemmer, Michigan Color Guard Commander: Norman Palmer MISSAR Vice Commander: Joe Conger, Paul Emery Chapter President: Bob Hawcroft

Commander: John Lepisto

Patriot Ancestor: John Wilcoxson (b.1720 d.1798) John served with the Virginia Co Militia. He was married to Sarah Cassandra Boone, Daniel's oldest sister.

"I joined the Color Guard as I had been active, when living in Ohio, with the Ft. Greenville Muzzleloaders in Darke Co. Ohio. I did re-enactment with my group as a long hunter and colonial militia. I wanted to be more involved with the SAR after I joined and I felt that having the weapon (muzzleloading rifle) and accoutrements this was the place I belonged.

Two of my fellow compatriots with the West Michigan Chapter and Color Guard members, Mark and Harry, helped guide me in getting started in the unit. It is an honor to serve. I have been with the SAR since April 2021." - John Lepisto

Vice Commander: Bob Hawcroft

Patriot Ancestor: Areil Nims 1751-1830. He served as a sergeant during the Lexington Alarm in Capt. Jonas Locke's company of Col. Williams Regiment, and marched from Deerfield, Massachusetts April 19, 1775. Areil was enlisted for three months and 20 days.

"I joined SAR June 2017. I received mentoring while joining and Past President Callanan's help was vital in attaining my membership. I joined the Color Guard in 2019 by invitation of Commander Burkland and encouragement of other CG members. It's a way for me to help show honor to whom honor is due." - Bob Hawcroft

Past Commander: Norman Palmer

Patriot Ancestor: Captain Richard Ransom who served under Lt. Colonel Storrs. Capt. Ransom enlisted into the New York Militia in 1776 and served at the White Plains Battle. Norman has been a member of the S.A.R. since 2012 and he joined the Color Guard in 2017.

"I always enjoyed the military uniform. During my military service, I attempted to present myself the best I could. As an SAR Color Guard member, I not only represent my own uniformed service but the military clothing all the way back when our United States history began. "Stand at attention Proud!" - Norman Palmer

CG Commander Emeritus: Gerald Burkland

Bagpiper: Ron Barnard

Patriot Ancestor: Daniel Bartholomew, an Ensign in the Richland Company, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Ron has been a member of the S.A.R. since April 2016.

"SAR Commander Gerry Burkland asked me to participate in the Color Guard as a bagpiper." - Ron Barnard

Guardsman: Christopher Blunt

Patriot Ancestor: Hezekiah Davies enlisted in the 5th Pennsylvania in early 1776, and that summer became a Lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Flying Camp. He saw action in the battle for New York City, and was taken prisoner when Ft. Washington fell on 16 November 1776. He was held under house arrest in a Loyalist home; he later eloped with the loyalist's daughter around the time of his release in 1780. His descendants included Minnesota territorial pioneers and early settlers of the Pacific Northwest. I am a Seattle native, now living in rural Ingham County, where I am a public opinion researcher.

I joined SAR in 2021. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted to be part of the color guard; it is the unmistakable public face of the organization. My uniform is patterned closely on what my ancestor would have worn, and I am proud to honor his legacy by wearing it. I have also thoroughly enjoyed meeting and getting to know my fellow guardsmen from all over the state. I highly recommend it for any SAR member looking to get more involved.

Guardsman: Aaron J. Wiles

Patriot Ancestor: John St. John (1750-1819), a Private under Col. Thaddeus Crane of the Westchester Co. militia, 4th Regiment, New York. Aaron has been a member of the S.A.R. since September 2017, and he joined the Color Guard that same month.

"I had done some re-enacting in the past, so becoming a Color Guard member seemed to be the next logical step. My ancestor was in the militia, and I dress accordingly. I enjoy showing people the way a person in the militia may have dressed and answer their questions when I can." - Aaron J. Wiles

Guardsman: Robert Eager

Patriot Ancestor: William Eager, An injury as a young man left William Eager permanently lame and unable to serve in the military. So, in 1776-7, when the local militia was stationed at nearby Fort Montgomery on the Hudson River, he took wagonloads of hay and loaves of bread to his neighbors there. On one visit he was invited by his friend, General James Clinton, to dine with the officers. Robert has been a member of the S.A.R. since 2010 and joined the Color Guard in 2019.

"I joined the Color Guard as a way to pay tribute to my patriot ancestors and to be more involved with SAR activities." - Robert Eager

Guardsman: Paul R. Callanan

Patriot Ancestor: Gideon Crandall (served 1777-1781) of Rhode Island and Vermont. Paul has been a member of the S.A.R. since 2000, joining the North Carolina Color Guard shortly thereafter. He has been a member of the MISSAR Color Guard since 2014. He is also the founder of the NCCSAR Color Guard, and the 2014 recipient of the Von Steuben Medal for Sustained Achievement in the NSSAR Color Guard.

"I became a color guardsman to help promote the SAR in the local area of where I lived in NC. The uniform got people to talk about their ancestors. It also allowed me to honor my ancestors who fought for our freedom. I joined also to participate in ceremonies outside of the chapter and to help spread the word about the SAR." - Paul R. Callanan

Guardsman: Mark Chamberlain

Patriot Ancestor: Henry Chamberlain, enlisted on May 10, 1775 in Captain Jacob Hind's Company, Col. James Reed's Regiment (3rd New Hampshire), which was engaged in the battle at Bunker Hill, June 17th 1775.

"I wish to honor this family tradition; I served 39 years in the U.S. military and the federal government, retiring in both. I find participation in the Color Guard a way to keep this spirit alive." - Mark Chamberlain

Guardsman: Gerald Conger

Patriot Ancestor: Joseph Conger. Gerald has been a member of the S.A.R. since 2004.

"In addition to the heartfelt patriotism I feel when participating as a Guardsman in Society functions, I especially enjoy participating in Wreaths Across America each year." - Gerald Conger

Guardsman: Joseph Conger

Patriot Ancestor: Joseph Conger (b. 1758), a resident of New Fairfield Connecticut, served as a Private in Captain William Hubbell's Company of Col. David Waterbury's 5th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers (mid 1775 to 1776), and spent the winter in defense New York. Joseph has been a member of the S.A.R. since June 2002, and the Color Guard since 2011.

"I really like the camaraderie. I enjoy learning the history of the Revolution and the sacrifices of our ancestors to secure our liberty, while building a new nation." - Joseph Conger

Guardsman: William Sharp

Patriot Ancestor: William Sharp, who moved from Hanover County to Louisa County, Virginia, in 1763. During the Revolution he had 5 young children so did not serve; however, he sold beef to the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War on a couple of occasions. William has been a member of the S.A.R. since December 2003, joined the Indiana Color Guard in July 2009, and has been serving the MISSAR Color Guard from his home chapter in Indiana since 2016.

"I wanted to honor my Patriot ancestor and dress as he might have and participate in public events where I would have the opportunity to respond to questions about the late 18th Century period." - William Sharp

Guardsman: Dennis Van Wormer

Patriot Ancestors: Jacob Van Wormer, Sr. (2nd Lieutenant, 14th Regiment, Albany County Militia, New York); John Torrey (Private, Connecticut, Battle of Bunker Hill); James Edmands, Sr. (Patriotic Service); Samuel Mosher (Soldier, 6th Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, New York); Daniel Chase (Patriotic Service). Dennis has been a member of the S.A.R. since October 2006, and he joined the Color Guard in January 2016.

"I joined the Color Guard to participate more in MISSAR activities and to meet MISSAR members outside of my local chapter." - Dennis Van Wormer

Guardsman: Kenneth Goodson

Patriot Ancestor: Matthias Rittenhouse, who was born In Philadelphia 1732 and died 1793, enlisting in 1780 serving under Captain John Lowny's Philadelphia Company as a private in the militia. I joined the SAR in 2013 and currently serve as their National Color Guard 1st Adjutant. It has been my joy to remember my ancestors and continue to spread the story of our history in classrooms, serving in grave dedications and supporting our sisters in the DAR. Many uniforms worn by our ancestors are different and this one is of Washington's Life Guard. A representation of General George Washington's secret service who fought in every battle and served the needs of the General.

Guardsman: Brent Kemmer

Patriot Ancestor: Caleb Nurse (1760-1829), from Rutland, MA. Caleb served as private in Capt. Samuel Stone’s Co., of Col. William Prescott’s Regt. falling out at Concord/Lexington April 19, 1775 serving 12 days. Then in 1778 he enlisted in Capt. Peter Woodbury’s Co., Col Jacob Gerrish’s Regt. part of the 26th Cont. Line, eventually the 9th Massachusetts Regt. Saw service at Cambridge and the Northern Theater and guarded troops that had surrendered at Burgoyne’s defeat.

"I joined the Color Guard to honor my many ancestors who took part in the American Revolution. I have over thirty who served in the war." – Brenton C. Kemmer

Guardsman: James Petres

Patriot Ancestor: Adam Cramer, who was born in 1745 and served in Capt. John Wampler’s company in the Pennsylvania militia. Jim has been a member of the S.A.R. since July 22, 2015.

Jim has been served in various capacities as a Scout leader for over 25 years. He is semi-retired after working in law enforcement for 46 years and is still working part-time for a local agency.

Guardsman: Chip Stevers

Patriot Ancestor: Oliver Lewis (b.1752 d.1839) Oliver’s American ancestry began with his 3rd great-grandfather who arrived in Boston on Sunday, September 16, 1632. During the American Revolution for Independence, Oliver lived in Connecticut and was a member of Lieutenant Thomas Bidwell’s company. He began his service upon being called out on August 19, 1776.

In time, his most notable service was his time spent upon the privateer sloop “John Michael”. The Connecticut sloop boasted 8 guns and was crewed by 22 patriots.

Like my ancestor during the revolution, my experience in the SAR is quite varied. I joined the SAR in Pennsylvania in 2008. Upon relocating to Grand Rapids, I began with the Michigan SAR approximately 15 years ago. I have served in several roles, including President of the local Chapter. My service in the SAR, including membership in the color guard, helps keep the memory of our past veterans alive and honors their sacrifice.

Guardsman: David VanHoof

Guardsman: Harry Rinkler

Harry Rinkler is a member of the west Michigan Chapter, and the chapter's 2nd Vice President.

Guardsman: Eric Winters

Guardsman: David Hill

Commander of Artillery: Larry Blackett

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