Chapter Officers:
President - Jefferey Wilson
Vice President - John (Bob) Matthews
Secretary/Treasurer - Marc Malott
Registrar/Genealogist - Dennis VanWormer
Historian - Dennis VanWormer
Trustee - Marc Malott
Trustee - Donald Reifert

Contact Kensington Valley:

Kensington Valley Chapter:
The Kensington Valley Chapter was formed in the late summer and fall of 2015 by members of the Oaks Chapter who lived too far west of the Rochester area to attend chapter meetings on a regular basis. Compatriots Bob Matthews and Bernie Wagers made the initial contacts of current MISSAR members in the western Oakland County and in the Livingston County area that might be interested in forming a new chapter. The Michigan Society approved a charter for the Kensington Valley Chapter on October 10, 2015. On November 11, 2015, the organizational meeting of the Kensington Valley Chapter was held in Hartland Township. The name "Kensington Valley" was chosen from the prime topographical feature in the area that the new chapter is serving.
We are a small but growing new chapter that is striving to be relevant to our community. We are involved in promoting genealogy, locating and recognizing the graves of Revolutionary War patriots in our area, and honoring veterans and other patriots from the Revolutionary War to current times.

Chapter Meetings:
The Kensington Valley Chapter meets in the Brighton/Howell area on the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30 pm. General membership meetings are held in September, November, January, March, and May. Board meetings are held in October, February, and April. Any guest interested in attending a meeting is invited to contact us using the form below for updates on meeting dates, times, and locations.