Chapter Officers:

President - Mickey McGuire
1st Vice President - James Abercrombie
2nd Vice President - Barry Puckett
Secretary & Registrar - Jim Petres
Treasurer - John Critchett
Genealogist - Thomas Pleuss
Chaplain - Rev. Samuel Laswell
Trustee - Tom Thompson
Marshal - Joseph Capece
Director - Mark Aaron
Flag Chairman - Jeff Koup
Publicity Chairman - Elijah Shalis
ROTC Medals & Awards - Jim Petres
DAR / C.A.R. Liaison - Mickey McGuire

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Huron Valley Chapter:

The Huron Valley Chapter was founded in 2008 when two members of the Oaks Chapter, David and John Critchett, were looking for a chapter closer to the Ann Arbor area. For the first few years, the chapter met at a retirement center in Ann Arbor on Saturday mornings. We began the tradition (which continues today) of having a holiday gathering for brunch or dinner at a local restaurant. The Chapter currently has over 60 members.

The Chapter normally meets on the third Saturday of September, November, January, March, and May. We usually meet at the Plymouth Library at 10:00am in downtown Plymouth, Michigan. Check the MISSAR calendar for specific meeting information. Most meetings include a program about history, topics related to the Revolutionary War, genealogy, or SAR programs. Speakers include historians, local authors, and re-enactors.

Chapter Activities:

The Chapter participates in the SAR ROTC, JROTC, Naval Sea Cadet, and Eagle Scout recognition programs. Chapter members have presented ROTC medals at the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University, and JROTC and Good Citizenship medals to cadets at JROTC and NSCC units in southeastern Michigan. Our Chapter has provided volunteer services in the past at the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor. We continue to donate to the VA Hospital programs, and our President is a member of the Volunteer Service Committee there.

We hosted our first Patriot grave dedications for Benjamin Woodruff and Josiah Cutler in May of 2016 at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Ann Arbor. We also participated in the grave marking for Patriot James Robinson, who is buried in Detroit, in the spring of 2019. The Chapter participates in the Wreaths Across America program. You can sponsor a wreath and help fund the Chapter activities by finding the Chapter on the “Local Fundraising Group” link on the Wreaths Across America website. We have also purchased a large paving stone at the WWII Memorial in Royal Oak, Michigan.

Publicity Chairman:

Elijah Shalis is the Chapter Publicity Chair. Originally joining the West Michigan Chapter in 2008, he later transferred to the Huron Valley Chapter and was previously the First VP. Second VP, Trustee and Chapter Genealogist. He is a recipient of the Silver & Bronze Roger Sherman Medals and the Chapter Distinguished Service Medal. Elijah is a member of several other hereditary societies.

Pictured left on November 12th, 2022 at Noon at Ann Arbor’s Forest Hill Cemetery a plaque was dedicated that honors Corporal Josiah Cutler & Sergeant Benjamin Woodruff. It was in honor of Veterans Day Weekend and the upcoming Sester-centennial of America’s 250th Anniversary. It was Jointly dedicated by the Huron Valley Chapter, NSSAR and the Sarah Caswell Angell, NSDAR. This plaque is a part of the MISSAR Plaque Project. The two Chapters jointly marked their graves in 2016.

Vice President:

Barry Puckett serves as Second Vice President. He joined the Huron Valley Chapter in 2012 along with his brother Brian Stanford Puckett and father Roy D. Puckett. He was "recruited" to MISSAR at an informational event held at the Plymouth District Library. He is a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.

Chapter Chaplain:

Rev. Sam Laswell is the Chapter Chaplain. He joined the SAR in 2016. He is the recipient of the SAR Military Service Medal for his service as a veteran. He is a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.

Rev Laswell is pictured presenting a SAR Wreath on behalf of MISSAR.

Chapter Genealogist:

Tom Pleuss is the Chapter Genealogist. He became a member of SAR in 2000, first with the Detroit Metro Chapter, then the Huron Valley Chapter. Tom has served in a number of chapter officer positions, including President. He is a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Tom Pleuss is presented the National Liberty Medal by Jim Petres Great Lakes District VPG 2019-2021 at the Plymouth District Library in Plymouth Michigan.

Chapter Secretary & Registrar:

Jim Petres is the Chapter Secretary, ROTC Medals & Awards Chair, and Past Chapter President. He has been in SAR since 2012 and is a member of the Michigan Society Color Guard. He has served in several State Society positions including that of State President. He is a Past Great Lakes District VPG and also serves on a number of National committees. His wife Sue is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution as well as several other hereditary organizations.

Chapter Marshal:

Joe Capece serves as the Chapter Marshal. He has been a member since 2013. He is a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.

Treasurer & Trustee:

John Critchett serves as Treasurer and as a Trustee. He has been a member of SAR since 2007 when he joined the Oaks Chapter. He was one of the Charter members of the Huron Valley Chapter and a past Chapter President. John is a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal with Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster.


Tom Fountain, pictured left, inducts Joseph Mark Panetta on 16 May, 2015. Tom is one of the Chapter Directors. He joined the Oaks Chapter in 2007 and transferred to our Chapter. Tom has served in a number of officer positions including Chapter President. He is the recipient of the SAR War Service Medal for his service as a veteran. Tom has helped many new members join SAR and has received the Liberty Medal twice for sponsoring more than 20 new members. He was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. He is also a recipient of the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.

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