Chapter Officers:

President - James Alan Riddell
1st Vice President - Aaron J. Wiles
2nd Vice President - Ronald A. Barnard
Secretary - Theodore D. Spear
Treasurer - Theodore D. Spear
Registrar - Robert D. Hawcroft
Assistant Registrar - James A. Riddell
Assistant Registrar - Theodore D. Spear
Chaplain - Jay R. Taylor
Genealogist - Michael Madden
Chapter Trustees - Bruce D. Patterson, Jay R. Taylor, William E. Thompson
Media Administrator - Norman Palmer
Newsletter Editor - William E. Thompson
State Trustees - James A. Riddell, Robert D. Hawcroft
Flag Chairman - Robert D. Hawcroft
Immediate Past President - Ronald A. Barnard

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Paul Emery Chapter:

The Paul Emery Chapter was chartered on February 14, 1998, and is named in honor of Paul E. Emery. The chapter meets six times per year in the Flint and Thumb areas.

Chapter Trustee:

Chapter Trustee Bruce Patterson (pictured right) was born in Oxford, Michigan and grew up in nearby Leonard. He is a retired employee of General Motors' Pontiac Motor Division. In June 1963, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and spent 18 months in Germany. Bruce has been a member of the SAR since July 2018, and began serving as a Paul Emery Chapter Trustee in March 2019.

Trustee & Chaplain:

Chapter Trustee and Chaplain Jay R. Taylor is CEO of EagleNext Advisors LLC, providing management consulting to scale “big company” practices and solutions for small and mid-size organizations focusing on risk-enabled decision-making and better board governance. Formerly with General Motors, he held senior executive roles leading Strategic Risk Management and Global Internal Audit Services functions.

Jay Taylor (center) receives the Chapter Distinguished Service medal.

Treasurer & Secretary:

Ted Spear (pictured left) is Chapter Secretary and Treasurer.

Media Administrator:

Chapter Facebook Administrator Norman Palmer is a native Michigander born in the Flint area. He is a Vietnam two-year Army veteran, and retired from General Motors after 32 years as a production supervisor as well as some line production positions. Currently, Norm is the MISSAR Color Guard Commander a SAR member since 2015.

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