2025 Membership Dues

The SAR dues billing season is once again upon us.  The total amount of dues has not changed for 2025, with the national dues being $50, and state and chapter dues at $20 and $10 respectively.  Please consider making a donation to a MISSAR fund, or to your local chapter.  A description of each fund is included with this email.

A few caveats and reminders for dues billings:

  • The dues billings are emailed to the email address on file for each compatriot.  If you share an email address in our state membership database with another compatriot, only one email will be sent to that email address.  I do not list the recipients of these emails by name or email address for privacy reasons.
  • If you receive this email and you normally pay for multiple compatriots (usually family members), it is your responsibility to make the full payment and clearly designate whose dues are being paid.  If you are not sure of who is on your email address, please send me an email and I will provide you with your specific list of compatriots.

Again this year all electronic payments of dues will be through PayPal, although you can still pay by either credit card or online bank transfer (ACH).  (In case you are wondering why, PayPal is much easier to work with plus gives us the lowest transaction fees as a charitable organization.)  You can also still pay by check, using the attached form.

If you wish to pay by PayPal, go to PayPal.com and send your payment to “[email protected]” indicating your full name and chapter name, plus a note for any donations that you are contributing in addition to your dues payment.  Use the attached form as a reference for which funds may receive donations, and specify the fund(s) and donation amount for each fund.  If you donate to your local chapter, please write the name of the chapter on the donation line.

Otherwise, your traditional dues statement is attached.  Please print a copy, fill it out, and return it to me in the mail with a check payable to MISSAR.

NOTE: Your dues must be paid by December 31, 2024, or you will be dropped as a member of SAR.

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