Jedediah Burwell by Daniel Bacon NSSAR #186881

Jedediah was born in the city of New York (1746-1748), but from infancy, until he entered the service, he lived in New Jersey.  He was baptized at the First Presbyterian Church in Morristown, New Jersey, 21 March 1757.

Sometime in August 1775 Jedediah mustered in the service in New York and marched under General Montgomery’s command against Quebec, and in the Battle of Quebec (1775), with Captain Jacob Cheesman’s company attached to Col. Philip Schuyler underneath General Richard Montgomery’s command.  Jedediah received two wounds by a Horseman’s’ sword, one of which was in the forepart of the head and the other on the left side of the neck.  He was in the direct service of Capt. Cheesman when the latter was killed a few minutes before General Montgomery fell.   After both the Captain and General’s deaths, the company retreated and returned to New York for about five months, when on 18 March 1776 he enlisted for one year in the service under Capt. Thomas Patterson of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment which served under Col. Elias Dayton which also was attached to Gen. William Maxwell’s Brigade.  On 18 March 1777 he reenlisted in the same company.

Jedediah continued under Capt. Thomas Patterson’s command for the space of 4 1/2 years until Patterson was promoted to Brigade Major, and Jedediah was affixed under Captain William Mitchell’s command, still of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment.   Jedediah was at Valley Forge when General George Washington was from December 1777 until June 1778 under Captain Patterson’s command.  Jedediah was at the battle of Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Springfield, and various other skirmishes.  At the battle of Springfield, Col. Elias Dayton requested Jedediah take charge of a field position to annoy the enemy in their advance, after those who had the charge of it fled.  They were able to stop the enemies rapid advance while his Colonel was encouraging him bravely doing his duty, and soon after the Continental Army were victorious in this battle.  He continued in Captain William Mitchell’s company to the close of the war.   In February 1782 Col. Dayton recommended to General George Washington to discharge Jedediah on account of family concerns and he had served his term.   He was discharged in November 1782.

Jedediah was by civilian life a bloomer by trade (ironworker).  In the latter part of Jedediah’s life he was very feeble and poor along with his spouse.  Per Dan Eaton’s testimony, in Jedediah’s pension records that he was known to be a ‘poor’ man.  His pension filed on 3 October 1820 says he lived in Weathersfield, in Trumbull County, Ohio.  Jedediah later passed away on 1 June 1829 in Trumbull County, Ohio.  The burial plot and/or cemetery locations have not been recovered for Jedediah.

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