Heinrich (Henry) Fitting by David Smith NSSAR #186288

Heinrich Fitting was born in Pennsylvania on 12 February 1759. On 16 July 1777, he signed the Oath of Allegiance in Hanover Township, Pennsylvania with his father, Peter. Heinrich served on various Lancaster County, Pennsylvania militia companies during the American Revolution. These included: 9th Battalion, Captain William Allen’s Company where he went out on a tour of duty in 1781; 6th Battalion, 8th Company in 1779; and 9th Battalion, Captain John Herkerider’s 4th Company in 1782.

Heinrich was married to the former Anna Maria Schmidt (born in Germany). They had seven children, four girls and three boys. He died on 12 September 1823, and was buried at Wenrichs Church Cemetery in Linglestown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.

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